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Projet archéologique coopératif à Trà Kiêu, centre Vietnan
Voir la version anglaise (pas de traduction en français) 
Jarre ovoïde « Kendi ', de type indien (d'après Yamagata)
We intend to complete the investigations with a major monograph on the research and in the meantime list the preliminary publications and those in press.
A Wordwide Web site (<http:/lwww.ucl.ac.uk-tcfs vietnam.htm>) gives some further details of the pi Glover, I. C.1995.The Emergence of Cham Civiliz (Vietnam) and this will soon be updated in 1998.
Yamagata, M. & I.C. Glover 1994: Excavatio: Bum Chau Hill, Trà Kiêu, Vietnam 1993, Joura Southeast Asian Archeology 14 : 48-57.
Glover, I.C. 1995. Decorated roof tiles from an Sitnhapura - an early Cham city in Central Vietnam. dies and Reflections on Asian Art History and Art logy - Essays in Honour of H.S.H. Professor Su dadis Diskul. Bangkok, Silpakorn University :311
Glover, I.C. and M. Yamagata 1995. The Origit Cham Civilization : indigenous, Chinese and In influences in Central Vietnam as revealed by e vations at Trà Kiêu, Vietnam 1990 and 1993. Arc logy in Southeast Asia. Hong Kong, Hong University Museum and Art Gallery : 145-170.
Yamagata, M. 1997. The formation of Lin Yi ; ved from the archaeological materials of Chi: origin found at Trà Kiêu, Central Vietnam. Jou of Southeast Asian Archaeology 17, 1997 (6) Japanese with 3 page English summary)
Glover, I.C. and M. Yamagata 1997. Excavatior Buu Chau Hill, Trà Kiêu,Vietnam 1993: Sa Hu' Chain and Chinese influences. In P. Y. Manguin Southeast Asian Archaeology 1994 Vol.1, pp.167-
Prior, R. 1997. The ceramics from early historic s in Vietnam. In P. Y.Manguin (ed.) Southeast A: Archaeology 1994 Vol.1, pp. 94-110, Universitl Hull : Centre of Southeast Asian Studies.

Masques de tuile d'about, terre cuite non vernisée (d'après W. Southworth)


1 Emeritus Reader in Southeast Asit Archeology, Institute of Archeology, Un versity College of London.
Article de "La Lettre de la SACHA" n°2, décembre 1997, page 8.

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