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Eardrum to the bust of praying
Style THKP Mam, thirteenth century. Sandstone long. 58 cm width. 26 cm high. 49 cm (Natural History Museum in Lyon, No. 81000012).

This beautiful piece of tympanum representing in relief, a prayerful meditation (not in ecstasy, as is often the case), double collar, long earrings and developed into clusters, and is interesting in several respects . The headband tiara (the latter appearing in the middle of the hair) joined the top of the ears in a plot reminiscent of the Khmer Bayon tiaras. The double curve of the eyebrows, and their leading light relief on the temples, this is implemented before the style known as "Yang Mum. Miter, very long, undecorated, is either incomplete or, more surely eroded. This kind of miter appear on sculptures, however late. Eyes, elongated and which marks the upper eyelid incision, without mark ward, reminiscent of dancers THKP Mam. Finally, the two strands that are recovering behind the ears are quite original for the Cham art.
Thus this fragment can be considered representative of an aspect, particularly happy, the first art THKP Mam, having experienced the influence of Khmer art.

"The works of the Cham Museum of Natural History in Lyon Emmanuel Guillon

Article de "La Lettre de la SACHA" n°1, july 1997, page 5.

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